Judaism is replete with the notion of sacred femininity, no less than sacred masculinity. In WJS, you will delve into all of the layers and sources that prove this to be true in addition to other vital Jewish texts from a woman’s perspective.
The depth of a Jewish woman goes far beyond the dedicated laws and rituals for women. WJS will provide you with a chance to understand the level of influence a Jewish woman has in the world and in her home as well as the responsibility it carries and care that it requires.
Women of all ages and backgrounds are welcome.
WJS Approach
WJS offers a unique approach to Women's Jewish education that focuses on increasing your self confidence, deepening your faith and trust, and enabling you to truly embody what it means to be a Daughter of Israel.
Our classes cover essential subjects such as Jewish Law, Ethics, Prominent Women in Judaism, Personal Development, Special Jewish Laws for Women, Family Purity, Modesty and more.
In addition to our weekly classes, WJS provides an online community of women from all over the globe to connect with in a variety of meaningful ways.
We offer flexible month-to-month enrollment with recordings available for moms or working women with busy schedules.
An essential resource for understanding women's roles in Jewish Law
Learn the the unique obligations and customs within Judaism that pertain to women and are central to Jewish women’s lives—from Prayer and Blessings, Shabbat and Holidays to Nurturing a Jewish Home.
Torah: The ultimate self Help manual
A deep dive into the weekly Parsha, pulling from the Zohar, chasidic tales, and midrashic commentary. The Torah is not meant to be a historical account - it is happening now, today, in our time. In this class, you will uncover profound Torah insights and practical guidance that resonates on a soul level.
Far more than a means to track time, the Hebrew calendar aligns us with powerful cycles that have shaped Judaism for millennia. In this class, you will learn how each month reveals unique energies that offer divinely given opportunities for spiritual growth and expansion.
Who are you really?
Exploring a Jewish approach to the law of attraction, this series of classes will be based on the book Tomer Devorah written by Rabbi Moses Cordovero. According to our Sages, this is a highly supernatural book. The Divrei Chaim stated that all who learn this book will be saved from life threatening illnesses and experience miracles in their lives.
Each lesson will teach you the secrets to elevate your thoughts, intentions, and deeds, unlocking your full potential and power of attraction.
Jewish Intimacy will initiate you into the Jewish rituals of physical and spiritual union between man and woman – Family Purity (Taharat HaMishpacha) and the Ritual Bath (Mikvah). This class is essential to laying the foundation of Family Purity Laws and their observance.
This class invites women to reconnect with their inner strength and dignity, presenting modesty not as a restriction but as a path to reclaiming personal power. These lessons are essential for all Jewish women especially those converting, delving into the deeper aspects of being a true Daughter of Israel.
Embark on a spiritual journey through the text Gate of Trust (Shaar HaBitachon) written by Rabbi Bachya ben Yosef. How do we remain calm, relaxed, and focused at the most trying moments? How do we enter into a state of tranquility and live from a place of worry-free existence? This class guides you towards genuine trust and faith in G-d, the vital component to every meaningful Jewish life.